Helping those who are in need
Serving the community
We aren't limited to just one cause. We help those who are need. Those needs may vary and as they change we want to be there to help you by lending a hand. We develop programs to tackle a particular need as they arise or as we can assist.

Current Programs

A Clean & Healthy Bottom - Assists Parents and the elderly receive the care products they need
Breathe - Provides Covid-19 PPE
Spring Care - Easter Care Packages includes toiletries, reading materials and refreshments.
One Less Empty plate - An initiative to help end hunger by providing food and beverages to poverty stricken lacking communities
It's Hot Out! - A program established to provide vital resources to remain cool during summer months.
Golden Sneakers - Assist Newborns and grade school children receive necessary footwear
Ready to Learn - Distributes School Supplies to Children returning to school to help alleviate a burden of lack of basic tools required to succeed
Warm N Comfy - Provides Clothing and other resources to keep those lacking essential necessities to stay warm during the winter months.
Revitalization - Purchase and/or renovate buildings in the community, that can be used for warming/cooling and transitional space for the underserved people of the community.
R.A.W - This is our outreach to mental illness & drug rehabilitation efforts. R.A.W continued efforts to address mental illness and drug addictions among our youths in the community. These program are a combined effort of several different Organizations being in position to to offer the best solutions to combat these obstacles we see people face daily.

You Can Make a Difference